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Yes. Representation Matters.

There are so many forms of harsh discrimination against all kinds of people, animals and other issues. Sometimes you come across a discriminative wall where you least expect to find one, just to realize that no, you don't live in a bubble, and this nasty social attitude permeates every imaginable aspect of our life of course. It is both incredibly frustrating and terribly sad.

When I am working on an illustration of people, mainly if it is a series, I always try to make sure I include a whole variety of women, men and kids. I want to see all skin colors, all body types, all ages in my work. No, not because I am trying to be PC. But because that's the right thing to do. Because that's life. Because we are different colors, different ages, different body types, we have different sexual orientations.

I can't even tell you how many times I have had the hardest time to find a variety of models for instance in the world's largest photo banks. Since Obama the number of African American models has been thankfully growing; however, good luck if you want to find, let's say an Asian plus size model for instance.

Speaking of plus size. I need one curvy model right now for an image; while going through hundreds of pictures, I have been getting angrier and angrier. One thing is, that of course finding a larger woman model is an issue, but then, 99% of these images depict this body type (1) in a self-conscious pose being ashamed of how they look (2) frantically pushing junk food in their mouth till it flows out (3) in a scene when they desperately seem to try to get thinner (exercising with a suffering face) (4) dressed up to please a sexual fantasy (wearing lace with bunny ears and pompom tails). And don't get me started on the search tags these images have.

I can't even go on telling you all about these issues as I am so mad now.



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